
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Watching Doomsday Preppers with Brad today...

We even watch the ones that seem ridiculous or over the top.  As Brad likes to say we can learn something from each of them.  One recurring theme seems to be that these people have a ton of money to spend on prepping and lots of places to store it.  Both of those are things we are unavailable to us right now but we are taking notes on the things we want to do now and in the future.

Our favorite from the show we watched today (on TiVo so its an older show LOL) is making bricks to burn from shredded paper and dead leaves.  We have a fireplace, so it would be cool to have stuff like that to use in the winter and much easier to store than the wood outside.  So our question is - if we burn them in an open fireplace will our house smells like burning leaves?  Going to be something we have to try.

TV really tries their best to make preppers look a bit looney, and they seem to pick the ones who focus on highly unlikely scenarios.  My question to the ones prepping for the extreme things is this... why not just prep for the things that we see happening all over the world regularly?  Hurricanes, Tsunami's, earthquakes, and yes economic problems, because we would be fools to think that our economy and food supplies are stable at this point in our nation.  We don't need the threat of all these weird scenarios when we have all kinds of stuff happening regularly all over the world.

Realistically we have no way to produce our own food in my house right now, we do not have any seeds stored up and our yard is so small and shaded we really can't grow much either.  We have no basement, no garage, no root cellar.  So I think our biggest prep at this time isto find a way to move to a real house, so that is our biggest goal and the reason we are not spending all kinds of money on prepping supplies. 

Our focus at this time is to be able to get the heck out and to that end we need to be able to put everything in one vehicle.  Some things we are going to invest in are seeds, guns, ammo, keeping the vehicles in good bug out shape and the gas tanks always half full or above, survival supplies, small amounts of food and reusable household items we would hate to live without.  Once we are out of here and in our dream house we will take on the heavy duty prepping that we really want to do.

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