
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

On the home front of prepping

So this week I am taking the time to upload all of my digital pictures to Picasa, and I even spent the 5 bucks a year to get extra storage space. I figure this way is something happens to my house and computer I have a way to get my pictures back... assuming of course the Picasa servers aren't in my area hehe.

The upside of this is I can now share my pictures with my mom and anyone else I want to give access.  And I can post to my Google+ account as well.  For me this is a better solution than backing up to DVDs and hoping my fireproof mini-safe really is fire and water and whatever else proof.  It's also easier than backing up my pictures to a flash drive, especially since I seem to need bigger and bigger flash drives all the time. My books I still back up to a flash drive but that takes a lot less space than pictures. I keep the flash drive in my purse too so hopefully I will always have time to grab it!

This may not be something that people see as prepping, but having had a house fire once, I tend to obsess over the irreplaceable things I lost the first time.  My cat, my books and my pictures.  I found there was nothing else that really made a big difference in the long run.  So I want to be able to get my photos and have all my books and my pets safe and sound.  Granted if technology fails all together my pictures are gone forever and my books will be useless once the batteries die on my laptop and reader - but I am betting in that scenario I will be too busy just surviving to worry about anything else!

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