
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Feeling very underprepared today...

Well it took me almost 4 days but I finally got all my photos synced to the web, I also backed up my eBook collection and put it on my survivor thumb drive and put it in my purse.  Then I read a bunch of the entries on the preparedness pro contest, hoping for some more tidbits.  The problem is, I feel like we are barely crawling along in our efforts, finding time, energy and money is not easy.  I guess every little bit helps and I need to go in and look at my stockpile more often to feel a little better about our progress.  I must remind myself that 2 months ago we did not even have a stockpile!  Not to mention this is a way of life we are learning, and something we have to learn to improve daily.

My son got into making survival bracelets, which are pretty cool, they are made with paracord and its basically 8-10 feet of paracord you can wear as jewelry and take apart and use if you ever need some emergency rope.  They actually look pretty cool too!

I am helping him out and I find they are fun to make.  I prefer mine on my ankle though because I am not a big fan of thick bracelets or watches.  Not to mention it clashes with my Pandora! Hee hee.  Nice to have rope on hand for when it is needed in an emergency though.  He also wants to make belts and necklaces which would give even more feet of rope.  Its a good project for the kids and I to do together while we talk.

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