
Monday, April 30, 2012

The Gardening Dilemma... solved?

So one of the things we really want to do is to have a decent sized garden and grow some of our own food.  This will help us preserve some food and also allow us to have fresh produce that we have grown ourselves.  We have been prepping the soil in our backyard for a couple of years with compost and it is now very healthy.  The problem is the sun exposure is blocked by trees and we do not own the land we live on so we have to get permission to make any changes.

There are two huge trees we figured they would never let us cut down, but I discovered today that is actually a possibility.   Then we simply need to put in to practice a lot of the gardening tips for small areas we have been reading about this winter.

I did buy some seeds when we were out at Home Depot and a few little seed starter kits, I am going to get those going this week so I can have some plants for our soon to be revamped garden.  This year we will need to buy plants to get a harvest on time, but for next year we might be able to make a temporary greenhouse in back and row all of our own seedlings.

Some of the books we are reading on gardening:

We are going to look into heirloom seeds, because another thing we want is to use the seeds from year to year and save even more money.  For now we bought mostly organic seeds since they don't seem to sell heirloom seeds at any stores around here, so we will probably have to order them online.


  1. A couple of years ago, I attempted to grow a Salsa garden, but the little critters that live near my apartment decided to eat what was growing. Now, I can just raid yours, sweet! TTYS

  2. We discovered that planting hot pepper around everything keeps at least the rabbits away...
