
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dejunking is prepping too!

I am on a mission to get my house organized and de-junked and our prepping stuff more easily accessible.  I am spending 15 minutes (or more) a day cleaning out cupboards, organizing supplies and just making things easier for us to grab and go if needed.  I am getting back into writing, so I am going to blog daily as an exercise in consistency. Some on this blog and some on my other personal blog that I tend to ramble on with my health issues. Keeping them separate allows me not to bore people to death!

Each day I come across so many reasons to be prepared and so many good ideas that I want to implement.  So for now it will be baby steps, 15 minutes of cleaning and writing a day, and learning to dream and have goals again.  I am starting a nice list of "wants"  for our prepping and everyday life and I am going to save for things that overlap on both lists.  My new addition for today is a Sun Oven that Mary Hunt reviewed.  I thought that would be a wonderful addition to our home now and for preparedness.

I still feel like I am lacking in community and friends, I spend most every day home alone not really talking to anyone, which is a nasty by-product of being such a hermit for the past few years.  Unfortunately, I couldn't choose not to be sick and my illness took all I had leaving me nothing to give anyone, and barely enough to do even the basic care for my family.  Mood swings and general crankiness probably chased a few people away as well.  As I am climbing out of that health pit I am slowly moving back into the world and craving some companionship and more importantly community or kindred friends to share my time and my life with.  Lets hope I can collect some more along the journey.

The garden is going really well, our tomato plants grew absolutely huge for some odd reason, like 6.5 ft tall and 3-4 feet across.  We are just starting to pick the ripe ones,  but with 10-12 of those enormous plants I am going to be drowning in tomatoes pretty soon. In other news the peppers and spices are also taking off.  We already froze up one batch of basil/oregano/garlic seasoning cubes and there is enough basil to do another one of those.  I think I may package them up and give them as gifts this Christmas.  With our new lower budget I need to get creative for gift giving!  It has been a short but productive summer and I feel like I am moving forward for the first time in years. 

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