
Friday, February 10, 2012

Home preparedness begins!

So with a husband who is an Emergency Management Coordinator, and my own desire to provide for my family, I have finally stopped procrastinating and designated this week as home preparedness shape up and planning week! 

Our first stop is planning and packing each of our 72 hour survival "go" bags. Sunday is our designated packing day so we each have until then to make our lists, pick our bag and pack it.  The only stipulation we have for this project is that we may not buy anything new to go int he bags, they need to be packed with extras and stuff we already have in the house.

First I assigned the kids as part of their writing this week to make a list of what they think should go in their bags if we had to leave home for 3 days and be able to survive.  I did tell them they did not need to worry about food, we will make a 72 hour food kit for the whole family.

It was interesting to see their lists, Willow was highly worried about making sure she had a cell phone so I had to point out "what if cell phones are down?" the last time we had a 3 day power outage we had no cell phones, she said "oh" and went back to thinking and writing.  Pierce wants to take enough to fit in an army duffel, pillows, blankets etc.  I simply said he had to be able to carry it all himself in one bag.

So on Sunday the packing will happen and then Brad and I will be onto the next project, organizing and prioritizing our survival plans and then funding the ones that will cost money.  As a family project this actually has been fun for me and given me much to research and learn.  It also brings up a lot of good ideas we can use to live better right now.  I will have to keep track of all "the survival ideas that help our life now" projects we end up doing.

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