
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Snail's Pace

Sometimes it seems to take so long to get even a little bit stored.  I am slowly buying things for our food stores.  I have added a little canned milk this week.  We got a flat of strawberries, which I made into fruit leather but the kids are gobbling it down so I can't count that as stored!  The tomatoes are all planted and growing well, a couple days of rain made them grow a lot faster.  I have plans this year to can tomatoes and beans, and I am hoping to get some more berries for some jam and fruit leather.

On a really good note, Brad cleaned out our shed and found several water storage containers we bought years again, so I am going to wash them and slowly start filling them with filtered water from our tap.  They are the long term blue HDPE containers so they are good for a minimum of 6 months and probably for a lot longer than that.  I am tempted to put a little bleach in them just to make them last longer.  All I have to do to get rid of the bleach is open up the cap and let them sit for a day or two.  And meanwhile I will have our 2 liter bottle stores while the bleach evaporates off.

I am really interested in learning to can meat, I had some canned whitefish at a friends the other day and it was fabulous, I would like to be able to make my own.  I am still cruising Craig's List for a pressure canner, as well as an Avion tow behind camper.  We are looking at ways to get out of this house and move to a real house with acreage, a place for a root cellar and possibly some chickens and a bigger garden.  We are also looking at building a community because we have been alone and on our own for far too long.

The possibilities keep opening up and we are praying about it and keeping our eyes and hearts open for which way we need to go.